Language Symbols - ॐ Copy and ङ Paste Languages Signs
Hindi Language ॠ Alphabets and ९ Numbers Symbols
Braille Symbols - ⡗ Copy and ⢟ Paste
Japanese Language Signs ㍿
ㄶ Korean Symbols ㅂ
আ Bengali Symbols ম
இ Tamil Symbols ஔ
ఊ Telugu Symbols ఓ
༃ Tibetan Symbols ༊
㊊ Chinese Symbols ㊐
ﭾ Arabic Symbols ﷺ
ᬅ Balinese Language Symbols ᬆ
၉ Myanmar Language Symbols ၼ
𑖔 Siddhan Symbols 𑖢
ⵥ Tifinagh Symbols ⴼ
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☬ Home ⚡ Symbol ᯊ Batak Symbols 𑀲 Brahmi Symbols ॐ Hindi Symbols ⡅ Braille Symbols ㍿ Japanese Symbols இ Tamil Symbols ఢ Telugu Symbols ༄ Tibetan Script ㊮ Chinese Symbols ﭫ Arabic Symbols ᬛ Balinese Symbols Ω Greek Symbols ၍ Burmese Symbols 𑖧 Siddham Symbols 🎉Activity Symbols ▶ Arrow Symbols 😀 Smiley Emojis 🧟♀️ People Emoji 👩🏻💻 Pale Emoji 👼🏼 Cream Emoji 🤴🏽 Brown Emojis 🤴🏿 Black Emoji 👘 Object Emojis 🐘 Nature Emojis 🥭 Food Emojis 🚀 Transport Emojis 🏏 Sport Emojis 🇮🇳 Flag Emojis 𓈦 Egypt Symbols 🜯 Alchemical Symbols ⌱ Mechanical Symbols ╉ Line Symbols π Math Symbols 𖠨 Bamum Symbols ₹ Currency Symbols 𐠕 Cypriot Symbols ❖ Dingbat Symbols ◎ Geometric Symbols 𐂘 Linear B Symbol 𐘦 Linear A Symbol ⁜ Punctuation Symbols ᛤ Runic Symbols ꔅ Vai Symbols 𑣿 Warang Citi Symbols ꌞ Yi Symbols 𑲃 Marchen Symbols 𞠒 Mende Kikakui Symbols 𐦝 Meroitic Symbols 𒀙 Cuneiform Symbols ᯊ Batak Symbols 𑀲 Brahmi Symbols Ⴒ Georgian Symbols Ⱑ Glagolitic Symbols 🂋 Domino Tiles Game 🀄 Mahjong Game 🃛 Playing Card Symbols
Language Signs - ༃ Copy and Paste ﷺ Alphabet Signs
Language Symbols is signs of language letters that helps you to understand specific meaning of those language letters. As you know, Languages are tools of communication that help us to communicate with each other. You know language is set of letters that have specific meaning and sound. Because of that it helps us to communicate with each other. There are many languages like ॠ Hindi, আ Bangla, ஞ Tamil, ౡ Telugu, ほ Japanese, ㊑ chinese, ﷽ arabic and many more. And you know, Those languages have different letters and sounds.
Hindi Language - अ से ॐ Copy and Paste
Hindi Language is one of the most popular languages. Generally, People of India speak hindi language. Just like other languages, HIndi has it's own letters and sound that make him unique as any other languages. You know standard hindi has 11 vowels and 33 consonants. Below there are some hindi letters.
पलकों के पीछे छिपी, अद्भुत सी कहानी, अपने ही सवालों में, खोया है मेरी जिंदगानी
Bangla Language - অ সে ৠ Copy and Paste Bengali Alphabets and Numbers
Bangla Language is one of the most popular languages of Asia. It mostly spoken in Bangladesh and India. Just like other languages, It has its own letters and sounds. Here, you can use bengali letters to write some messages or your names. Below here, you find some of the examples.
Tamil Language Symbols - ఈ Copy and ౘ Paste
Tamil Language Symbols is a collection of Tamil language alphabets and numbers signs. It is widely spoken language in countries like India , Sri Lanka , Malaysia , Singapore, and many more. Here you can use these symbols to write messages, names or anything you want. Below here, you will find many examples.
ஆ இ ஞ
How to Copy and Paste Language Symbols?
It is easy to copy and paste language symbols. You have to just click on the language symbol that you want to copy. As you click, it will copy your language symbol for you. Also here, you can copy many language symbols that you want to copy. In order to do that you have to just click on the language symbols. As you click, it will appear on the Textarea section bar and then click on the "Copy it" to copy all your symbols from the Textarea section bar.
How to Share language symbols on Whatsapp?
It is easy to share language symbols on WhatsApp. You have to just click on the symbols that you want to share on WhatsApp. As you click, it will appear on the Textarea section bar and then click on the "Whatsapp" button to share your symbols on WhatsApp.
How to Share Language Symbols On Twitter?
It has same process as WhatsApp Sharing. In order to do that you have to just click on the symbols that you want to share on Twitter. As you click, it will appear on the Textarea section bar and then click on the "Twitter" button to Share all your symbols from the Textarea section bar to Twitter.